One Piece Robin Techniques. She is the seventh member of the crew and the sixth to join doing so at the end of the Arabasta Arc. One Piece Reveals Robins Devilish New Transformation.
A technique that uses four huge arms combined from eighty regular sized arms that Robin has. I pitted Vasco Shot up against Brook largely by process of elimination and the fact Brook and Vasco were the last two left without a matchup. Giving her more options against enemies than her usual grappling techniques did.
Jinbei - this can be argued to not be unique but still very uncommon regardless because the essence of his fighting style is quite uniqe.
As for what ability Vasco will attain this is very difficult to judge. I pitted Vasco Shot up against Brook largely by process of elimination and the fact Brook and Vasco were the last two left without a matchup. Jespère que cette théorie vous plaira si cest le cas. One Piece Reveals Robins Devilish New Transformation.